Friday, October 17, 2008

Working Daze

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Eastward Bound

Yep, I get to go on a trip! FINALLY! My feet have been getting itchy lately! I've got the traveling bug! So, here's my destinations:

Not only that, but it's a BUSINESS TRIP! Gosh, I feel so grown up saying that! :D Look for pictures! I promise I'll take lots! And I'll try to put them up in a timely manner! LOL

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'll Bite Too...

Your Eyes Should Be Gray
Your eyes reflect: Intensity and drive

People find you to be: Mysterious, brilliant, and charming

Your best trait: You're completely fearless and willing to take on anything

What's hidden behind your eyes: A sensitive soul
What Color Should Your Eyes Be?