Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween 2007

My classmates and I were hosting a bake sale and they told me we had to dress up. I decided to be a butterfly, because I like butterflies and I thought it would be fun. So, anyways, when I was down in Bozeman visiting Alayna, I picked up a few things for my costume. Then, I remembered that my cousin used to paint her eyes like a butterfly and they were really pretty, so I called her and asked her to do the same thing for me. To make a long story short, I went a whole different direction than I was intending and didn't use anything that I bought in Bozeman. AND my classmates didn't dress up hardly at all! Oh, well, such is life! It WAS fun, however. People kept complimenting my face and it made my eyes look really green. I'm glad it was only for one day....I still hate makeup!!! :D

Maggie and I
Maggie, Me, and Leah

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