Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Dishwasher....Not Just For Plates Anymore!

I've known people to put some pretty crazy stuff in the dishwasher- dog dishes, scrapers, aprons, but.....chandeliers??? Yep, that's right! Schonbek just came out with the Da Vinci, which is not only perfectly round and composed of Swarovski crystal, it is also dishwasher safe. Maintenance free has a whole new meaning! Even the larger chandeliers come apart in easy-to-fit-in-the-dishwasher pieces! Plus, it's incredibly gorgeous!

2 Thoughts and Comments:

Anonymous said...

I request a pix of you in your new PINK glasses. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Super Chandelier if you can spare the cash.....I just bought a replica on Ebay for a fraction of the price. I got the look I was searching for.